Sunday, December 2, 2012

Virginia Woolf Monday 25 Jan 1897 (Diary)

My Birthday. No presents at breakfast and none til Mr Gibbs came, bearing a great parcel under his arms, which turned out to be a gorgeous Queen Elizabeth - by Dr Creighton. I went out for a walk round the pond after breakfast with father, it being Nessas drawing day. Went out with Stealla to Hatchards about some book for Jack, and then to Regent St. for flowers and fruit for him; then to Wimpole St. to see how he had slept, and then to Miss Hill in Marylebone Road. Jo [Fisher] was there discussing the plans for Stellas new cottages with Miss Hill. All three learnedly argued over them for half an hour, I sitting on a stool by the fire and surveying Miss Hills legs-

Nessa went back to her drawing after lunch , and Stella and I went to buy me an armchair, which is to be Ss present to me - We got a very nice one, and I came straight home, while Stella went on to Wimplole St. Gerald gave me one pound, and Adrian a holder for my stlograph - Father is going to give me Lockharts Life of Scott - Cousin mia gave me a diary and another pocketbook. Thoby writes to say that he has ordered films forme. Got Carlyles Reminiscences, which I have read before. Reading four books at once - The Newcomes, Carlyle, Old Curiosity Shop , and Queen Elizabeth - "

Virginia was a great reader and I find it fascinating to see what she is reading at any one time of her life journey.

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