1878: Leslie Stephen and Julia Jackson Duckworth are married.
1882: Adeline Virginia Stephen born, 26 March, at 22 Hyde Park Gate, London.
1895: Death of Julia Stephen. Virginia has first nervous breakdown.
1897: Stella Duckworth, stepsister, dies. Virginia ill. Begins to study Greek at King's College.
1899: Brother Thoby enters Cambridge, with Clive Bell, Lytton Strachey, and Leonard Woolf.
1902: Takes private lessons in Greek. Has close friendship with Violet Dickinson.
1904: Death of Leslie Stephen after long illness. Virginia's second serious mental illness. Moves to 46 Gordon Square, Bloomsbury. Visits Italy and France. First publication, a review in The Guardian. Leonard Woolf to Ceylon as a government administrator.
1905: Visits Spain and Portugal with brother Adrian for two weeks.
1906: Visits Greece. Thoby Stephen dies of typhoid at 26. Virginia writes to Violet Dickinson (ill with typhoid) for a month, pretending Thoby still alive.
1907: Moves with Adrian to 29 Fitzroy Square. Begins work on first novel.
1908: Visits Italy. Julian, a first child, is born to Vanessa (Virginia's sister) and Clive Bell.
1909: Proposal of marriage from Lytton Strachey, accepted. He breaks it off. Receives a legacy of £ 2500. Visits Italy; Bayreuth for Wagner festival.
1910: Ill through the summer. Takes rest cure in nursing home. Birth of Vanessa's second child, Quentin. Roger Fry organizes first Post- Impressionist exhibition.
1911: Brief visit to Turkey. Leonard Woolf returns from Ceylon.
1912: Rest cure in nursing home. Leonard Woolf proposes. They marry, 10 August, honeymoon in France, Spain, and Italy. Lease Asham House until 1919.
1913: Completes The Voyage Out, first novel. Increasing illness, rest cure in nursing home. Leonard Woolf advised Virginia should not have children. Attempts suicide by overdose of veronal.
1915: Move to Hogarth House, Paradise Road, Richmond (there until 1924). Violent illness, in nursing home. Publication by Gerald Duckworth of The Voyage Out.
1916: Early work on second novel, Night and Day.
1917: Printing press in Hogarth House. First publications: The Mark on the Wall (Virginia), Three Jews (Leonard). Begins diary, portions to be published in 1953 as A Writer's Diary. Writing for The Times Literary Supplement.
1918: Working on Night and Day. Reads manuscript of Joyce's Ulysses. First meeting with T. S. Eliot. Kew Gardens published. Frequent visits with Katherine Mansfield. Birth of Vanessa's third child, Angelica.
1919: Prints Eliot's Poems. Give up Asham House. Purchase and move to Monk's House, Rodmell, Sussex.
1920: Begins Jacob's Room.
1921: Monday or Tuesday published. Lytton Strachey's Queen Victoria.
1922: Ill health. Jacob's Room published. Meets Mrs. Harold Nicolson (Vita Sackville-West).
1923: Katherine Mansfield dies. Leonard becomes literary editor of The Nation. Visit to Spain and France. At work on Mrs. Dalloway.
1924: Move to 52 Tavistock Square, Bloomsbury (houses the Press until 1939). Mrs. Dalloway completed. Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown published.
1925: The Common Reader and Mrs. Dalloway published.
1926: At work on To the Lighthouse.
1927: To the Lighthouse published. Frequent visits with Vita Sackville-West. Begins Orlando.
1928: Awarded Femina Vie Heureuse prize. Orlando published. Visits France with Vita Sackville-West. Reads two papers to the women's colleges at Cambridge.
1929: Trip to Germany. A Room of One's Own (the Cambridge lectures) published. At work on The Waves.
1931: The Waves published.
1932: A Letter to a Young Poet and The Common Reader: Second Series published.
1933: Refuses an honorary doctorate. Trip to France. At work on The Years. Declines Leslie Stephen lectureship at Cambridge. Flush published.
1934: Continues work on The Years. Walter Sickert: A Conversation published.
1936: At work on Three Guineas. Collecting material for Roger Fry.
1937: The Years published. Julian Bell killed in Spanish Civil War.
1938: Sells interest in Hogarth Press to John Lehmann. At work on Roger Fry. Three Guineas published.
1939: Meets Sigmund Freud. Refuses an honorary doctorate. Visits France.
1940: Reads paper in Brighton to Workers' Educational Association (later published as "The Leaning Tower"). Roger Fry: A Biography published.
1941: Completes Between the Acts. Drowns herself in river not far from Monk's House. Between the Acts published.
(From Virginia Woolf by Manly Johnson, 1973, New York, Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.)
For a detailed chronology in print, see Quentin Bell's biography of Virginia Woolf.
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